Friday, September 12, 2008

Chicken Soup for the Pre-Menopausal Soul

At my age, I should know better than to go grocery shopping during my "bad day."  You all know what those are, ladies of a certain age -- your legs feel like lead, your lower back is in a knot, and if your husband looks at you crooked, then God help the world.  Today was one of those days.

Is it any wonder that my cart at Market Basket contained the following items -- blueberry Pop Tarts (no frosting, I'm trying to eat healthy), braunschweiger,  a box of couscous, a package of genoa salami for Chris, a container of Ben & Jerry's New York Super Fudge Chunk and an industrial sized box of Wheat Thins?  Honest to God, it looked like I was getting ready to throw a 4:20 party.  (I'm not. I swear...)

So there I am as the Market Basket in Nashua, NH, wheeling my cart listlessly through the aisles, grabbing whatever looked good and I thought we needed.  Apricot jam?  Sure.  I'll get the store brand, though, because it's the same as Smuckers but cheaper.  Roasted chicken?  It's healthy and I can put the jam on it as a garnish.  Dried cranberries can go in the couscous with the chicken and the mushrooms in the back of the refrigerator.  I can even throw in that corn on the cob I bought last week and never used.

One should never enter a grocery store in this condition.    



melanie said...

lol. I've found myself there many times.....most exhaustion induced shopping ends in economy sized wheat thins. :)

Deb in PA said...

Okay, first of all....
You do get "free food" where you work, so why are you buy so much to begin with? Second, I don't really have those "bad days" anymore, but I have gone to the store "hungry" and it's not a pretty site. I've convinced Ed that he is better off going to the store without me. When I go, the bill usually jumps from $45 to $125. There are just so many things that I didn't realize that I needed until I saw them at the store. Oh well, as a "recovering" shopaholic, it is a difficult place for me to be. LOL

Deb in PA said...
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Marita Buffone said...

Deb in PA - the kitchen doesn't have blueberry Pop Tarts, now, do they?

And if they did Cole would be in a heap of trouble...hehehe